We gather every Sunday at 10:00 AM at Portsmouth
We have a ladies' meeting on the second Sunday of every month.
We gather every Saturday at 06:00 PM at Wymering Methodist Church, Cosham
We have a youth meeting on the second Sunday of every month.
We have fasting prayer at the last weekend of every month.
We are there for you. For prayer requests, you can drop us a text and we will call you.
Our church's mission is to honour and declare Jesus Christ as God and the one saviour of all humanity, so that we may portray everyone as flawless in Christ.

No matter who we are, where we're from, or what we've done, God loves us supernaturally and created us in his image. God has come to us in the person of Jesus, and He has established a path for everyone of us to be reconciled with God for all eternity, not only in this world. This is the greatest news ever! We are not a structure. We are not an event. We are a family, the family of God. Here, you are accepted regardless of what you've been through or where you've come from. Join us to discover why God's family is unlike any other family.
The effectiveness of prayer cannot be overstated. When relying on their faith for solutions, a great number of individuals experience a spiritual uplift. Praying alone is an effective means of dealing with life's challenges and communicating them to God. You place your life in His hands and have faith that He will provide a solution. There is an emotional release that accompanies prayer, almost as if you lay your concerns aside knowing that God is handling them. As believers and residents of God's kingdom, it is crucial to remember who we are and whose we are. God doesn't want to see you struggling in vain to survive. The proposal you present to obtain what you require is prayer. At BPC, we desire to collaborate with you to agree with and present your pleas to God. Feel free to share it with or without your name. In either case, we will approach the throne of Heaven on your behalf to convey your plea.

"Come, let us bow down in worship, let us kneel before the LORD our Maker"